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Achieve patience


“To lose patience is to lose the battle.”
If you don't see some things, if you don't hear some things, if you stay silent in some places life becomes beautiful.., Forgiveness is freedom from anger and pain.....🍂
All that happens on the outside is only some cause.. Only what is inside comes out.. We are giving water and fertilizer to the emotions that are eager for proper association... 🍂
One should have the ability to face any situation with patience and respond calmly to violence.. If one can put aside grudge and hatred towards others and behave with love, then life will be meaningful...🍂
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Good Talk
If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head..💫
"If you lose faith, You lose all"
What is an interface in programming
In programming, an interface defines a contract for classes to follow, specifying methods that must be implemented without dictating how they should be implemented. It serves as a blueprint for classes to adhere to, promoting code consistency and facilitating interoperability between different parts of a program. Interfaces allow for abstraction, enabling developers to focus on what an object should do rather than how it does it.